If you had the choice?

2:41 p.m.

Betsey Johnson was the very first designer I knew, true story; I remember I came across with one of her whimsical dresses and immediately wanted to know about who created that dress, since then I've being admiring Betsey as a designer and as a person.

The past week I had an interview with pocketchange.become.com and they asked me if I had the choice of any designer in the world to work with, which would I pick, and Betsey was one of my choices, just imagine how much she has to share, and the freedom behind her creative view on fashion, this question really inspired me so I had to do an illustrated post about her, if you want to read the interview click here.

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6 Inspiring words

  1. I don't remember exactly who was the first fashion designer I was aware of, but I've definitely loved and admire Betsey for a longgg time, too :)


  2. I love betsy johnson! really talented and i love the drawing!!

  3. she's so cool and such a great designer!

    Costin M.

  4. Freesia al final te animaste a ilustrar personas!! Me alegra porque te quedan estupendas.... <3 Besoooos hermosa

  5. There is something so appealing about Betsey. Love your works.
    Happy Monday sweetheart!

    xoxo Ra
